MARIE: Claude, I have to have a raddish!
CLAUDE: You are not going to die if you don't get a raddish.
How do you know?
CLAUDE: Have you ever heard of anyone dying for lack of a raddish?
RAPUNZEL: You feel so light mother.
WITCH: Light? As compared to what?
RAPUNZEL: Nothing. As compared to nothing.
WITCH: As compared to nothing?
RAPUNZEL: You're lighter than air. That's all.
WITCH: Birds are far less trouble than men, believe me.
WITCH: What are you doing in my garden?
CLAUDE: A wind blew me in.
WITCH: Oh, a wind. And what happened to uproot
my raddishes?
CLAUDE: I'm sure that if the wind is strong enough to blow me in it's
certainly strong enough to uproot a few raddishes.
WITCH: And how did they make their way into your sack?
I was just wondering that myself!
WITCH: Well, when I find him I'm going to gauge is eyes out. I'm going to make his brains into soup.
WITCH: Now Rapunzel, don't be hasty to judge it before you've tried it!
WITCH: You're too stupid to raise a baby girl. Oh a son perhaps. A daughter, never.
RAPUNZEL: What exactly is a man?
PRINCE: Well let down your hair, I'll climb up and you can find out.