The Land of Faerie Tales
Jack and the Beanstalk
Beauty and the Beast
Boy Who Left Home
Dancing Princesses
Emperor's New Clothes
The Frog Prince
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Hansel and Gretel
Jack and the Beanstalk
Little Mermaid
Little Red Riding Hood
Pied Piper of Hamelin
Princess and the Pea
Princess Who Had Never Laughed
Puss in Boots
Rip Van Winkle
Sleeping Beauty
Snow Queen
Snow White
Three Little Pigs
In Memorium

Starring Elliot Gould, Jean Stapleton, Katherine Helmond, and Dennis Christopher

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Yellow Spinning 5 Point Star

If you can manage it, don't see this movie. This, in my opinion, is the worst Faerie Tale out there. The story is warped and the sets and costumes look like they're from an elementary school play.  All of the actors are talented, but not one of them is turning in a good performance.  As the giants Elliot Gould and Jean Stapleton are trying to appear slow and funny, but they actually just come across as boring.  Katherine Helmond is completely wasted as Jack's mother.  She starts off fine, with the same exaggerated performances that made the episode of Little Red Riding Hood so great - but halfway through she switches to a dramatic performance which is completely wrong for this type of show.  Dennis Christopher is another good actor that just doesn't know what to do with his part.  This is really the fault of the script, which is a complete mess.  The production wouldn't be so scary if it wasn't for the character of the man dressed as a woman appearing at the beanstalk - I didn't get it as a kid, as an adult, I still don't get it.  I found it honestly, kind of creepy.  This is one episode I'd advise you to skip.

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Episode 6 (2-4)
Air date: September 8, 1983

Dennis Christopher..................Jack
Elliot Gould............................Giant
Jean Stapleton...................Giantess
Katherine Helmond..........Mother

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