"My Queen to accept the truth
with dignity and grace, would be far more rewarding than forever fretting about your face."

Probably the most likable production of this fairy tale ever. In Elizabeth McGovern
the producers found the perfect image of Snow White. Her dark hair and natural beauty make her very believable as the fairest
in the land. She's a great actress, and her casting is a perfect match. Vanessa Redgrave loves her role as the evil queen,
and is perfectly complimented by Vincent Price's dry magic mirror. Two great actors seeing just how far the other one is willing
to go is really fun to watch. The real blessing for this production is that they saw fit to cast real dwarves - thank
God no more children with fake beards pasted on! (I'm not kidding, I've seen it done.) All of the dwarves are having fun,
especially when they're given lines like "A princess slept in my bed !" Last but not least, Rex Smith makes an adorable prince.
Of course, he couldn't be Prince Charming without singing! Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves and the script is so well
written that there is not a single thing I would change. Perfect.

Tony Cox, Daniel Frishman, and Peter Rischand all appeared in Puss in Boots.


BUBBA: Cut out your heart!
With a knife? BARNABY: To die in the forrest? BARNAFACE: Oh, wicked, evil thing. SNOW WHITE: I know it sounds
terrible. BUBBA: Oh, she should be ashamed. After all, you're a princess.
SNOW WHITE: I'm afraid God, and I forgot what it is I should be asking for but
I know I shouldn't die without a prayer. I can't remember any sins God, and I can't think of any reason why I should be murdered,
it might be easier if I
knew a reason, if I knew why, but I don't.

BARNABY: We don't want to wake her! Let her sleep! BUBBA:
Oh, yes. Let her sleep. In my bed! How generous of you!
BUBBA: A princess! She
must be a princess! BRUNO: You have never seen a princess so how would you know? BUBBA: So? I've seen a prince! BRUNO:
That's not the same.
BUBBA: A princess slept in my
bed last night!

PRINCE: [sings] I sing in the valley, I sing in the wood I sing for a true love all day. I
dream of the true love of that I have not, But that I shall find some day. For I'll be your prince, And you'll
be my....dwarf.
BUBBA: Why not tell him? He's always looking for love, and you
know he would love Snow White! BARNABY: Listen, then we would have no one to tend to us. No hot dinners, and you know
how we need hot dinners.

Episode 13 (3-5) Air Date: July 16, 1984
Tony Cox ................................ Bubba
