Starring Shelley Duvall, Ned Beatty, and Herve Villechaize

Certainly far from the best production made by this
series, however, it can be forgiven since this was only the second show they'd produced and they were still learning the ropes.
The sets are dank and boring and the script is cheesy. However, the actors are good. Ned Beaty certainly seems to be trying
hard, and Shelley Duvall really does make a lovely miller's daughter. Herve Villecheze seems almost born to play the part
of the mysterious little dwarf. He does a great job and seems to be the only actor completely relaxed with the production.
This is a great story, it would have benifited if it had come along later in the series and the producers had more experience,
but you have to start somewhere. All together, a good effort.
